
Debug and Trace support of NXP S32G3x Vehicle Processors

Publishing Date: March 14, 2023

Hoehenkirchen, Germany—March 14, 2023—Lauterbach, a leading manufacturer of cutting-edge development tools for embedded systems, today announced that its TRACE32® development tools now support the NXP® Semiconductors S32G3 series of vehicle network processors. This includes simultaneous JTAG debugging of all CPU cores, non-intrusive CPU-trace capture for functional safety certification, as well as AUTOSAR and hypervisor support.

NXP’s S32G3 series combines hardware security, ASIL D safety, high-performance real-time and application processing, and network acceleration for vehicle computers, service-oriented gateways, domain controllers and safety-coprocessors. It implements up to 4 Arm® Cortex®-M7 real-time cores in lockstep-configuration and up to 8 Arm Cortex-A53 application processors with cluster lockstep option. To enable the customer developing both application and real-time control software, Lauterbach’s TRACE32 provides simultaneous hardware-accelerated debugging and real-time tracing for all cores including 4 Cortex-M0+ cores, which are implemented in NXP’s Low Latency Communication Engine (LLCE). Lauterbach’s TRACE32 coverage of the total chip is essential for safety-critical applications. TRACE32 tools consist of the universal PowerView debugging and tracing software as well as debug and trace accelerator modules. While Lauterbach’s intelligent PowerDebug modules provide highest download speeds and smallest response times for efficient debugging and test automation, PowerTrace real-time trace modules provide full insight into what the S32G3 CPU cores are doing without impacting its real-time performance. For system profiling or safety certification, trace analysis — including code coverage measurements — is essential. In other use cases, it supports fast, safe and reliable deployment of embedded designs. With regard to the S32G3 series TRACE32 supports OS-aware debugging for POSIX-compliant operating systems and AUTOSAR™ Adaptive Platform as well as support for hypervisors. To simplify tool qualification for ISO 26262 compliance, Lauterbach provides the Tool Qualification Support Kit (TQSK).

The S32G3 series is another building block in Lauterbach's uniquely long-lasting and broad support for NXP automotive processors and fits seamlessly into the chain of the long-supported S32K, S32Z, S32E and S32R families. With TRACE32, customers can easily switch from one NXP automotive processor to another without having to get used to a new user interface or accept restrictions in terms of functionality. Thanks to the close partnership with NXP, Lauterbach plans to support future S32 processors from their launches. The versatile S32G3 series supports the needs of new vehicle architectures: vehicle computers, service-oriented gateways, domain controllers, zonal processors, safety processors and more. Lauterbach’s TRACE32 is the key for innovations based on it. 


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