PowerTrace Serial 2



当社のPowerTrace Serial トレースモジュールは、低レーン数、低ビットレートから、組み込み業界で利用可能な最高レーン数、最速ビットレートまで、すべての高速シリアルトレースポートをカバーしています。また、Aurora/HSSTPプロトコルだけでなく、PCIe経由のトレースもサポートしています。

大容量の高速メモリを搭載しているため、システムの動作に影響を与えることなく、システムの動作をリアルタイムで記録することができます。どちらのモジュールも、既存のPowerDebug X50のPodBus Expressポートを使用して、システム機能を拡張します。


Rocket Fast Tracingによるプロジェクトの迅速な立ち上げ


組み込みプロジェクトでは、実行性能の測定、競合状態の解析、コード・カバレッジの証明などのメリットがあります。PowerTrace Serial 、 トップレベルのモジュールの相互作用から個々の命令のタイミングまで、デバイスの動作を調べることができます。そのため、開発サイクルのペースがますます速くなる中で、バグをすばやく見つけて修正することができます。


合計で最大100GBit/s、レーンあたり最大22.5Gbit/sの超高速ビットレートにより、PowerTrace Serial 、他のツールに比べ、プログラムフロー、タスクスイッチ、複数のコアのデータ、その他のシステムソースを一度にはるかに詳細にキャプチャすることができます。


PowerTrace Serial は、PCIe ポートへのデータ・トレースを可能にします。SoCが専用のトレース・ポートを実装していないが、すでにPCIeをサポートしている場合、PowerTrace Serial 、トレース・データのPCIeエンドポイントとして機能し、PCIe 4までのすべてのPCIe世代をサポートします。結論として、追加費用のかかる高速トランシーバーを節約できます。


デザインの更新に合わせてトレース・ソリューションを更新できます。PowerTrace Serial PowerTrace Serial は、Arm CoreSighr™ または Infineons AGBT、およびシリアル・トレース・インターフェー スを提供する他の CPU アーキテクチャのシリアル・トレースをサポートしています。


PowerTrace Serial は、SoCの枠を超えて、組込みシステムの完全なビューを提供します。追加プローブにより、外部デジタル信号やアナログ信号を記録し、プロトコル解析やエネルギー・プロファイリングのためにプログラム実行と相関させることができます。


トレースデータをホストPCにストリーミングすることで、非常に長時間のトレース記録をキャプチャし、後で解析することができます。平均ストリーミング速度は最大400MB/sで、データロスのない信頼性の高い転送を保証します。さらに高いトレースレートでも、Power Traceの内蔵高速メモリーによって確実に処理されます。




製品 PowerTrace Serial 2
PowerTrace III 
メモリーサイズ 4GByteまたは8GByte 4GByteまたは8GByte
申し込み 高性能シリアル・トレース 高性能並列トレース
最大帯域幅 80Gbit/s 19.2Gbit/s
10 000 / 400 MByte/s 2 400 / 400 MByte/s
パラレルトレース 該当なし 最大36行1
Aurora/HSSTP経由のシリアルトレース 12.5Gbit/s/レーン2@ 8レーン
22.5Gbit/s/レーン2 @ 4レーン1
PCIe経由のシリアル・トレース PCIe Gen 2 x8
PCIe Gen 3 x8
PCIe Gen 4x47
ロジックアナライザとエネルギープロファイリングのオプション Mixed-Signal Probe 経由 Mixed-Signal Probe 経由
必要なデバッグ・モジュール PowerDebug X506 PowerDebug X506



3シリアル・プリプロセッサが必要です。シリアルトレースにはPowerTrace Serial を推奨。

4ストリーミング・レートは、1秒間にPCにオンザフライで転送できるデータ量を定義します。トレースポートレートが平均してストリーミングレートを下回る場合、実質的に無限の記録時間が可能です。ピーク・レートは一時的に可能であり、PowerTrace エクステンションの内部メモリによって補正されます。

5 CombiProbe 2は、PowerDebug E50、X50、E40、PRO、USB 3、IIで動作します。PowerDebug イーサネット、USB、USB 2はサポートされていません。

6PowerTraceエクステンションは、PowerDebug X50、PRO、IIで動作します。




Trace for TriCore via PTS 4GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 4 Gigabyte trace memory for TriCore AGBT/SGBT. Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential Voltage. Includes AGBT Trace Adapter with flex-cable for ERF8-22 connector. Requires LA-3596 if HSTCU connector is used instead. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

Trace for RH850 via PT-Serial 4GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 4 Gigabyte trace memory for RH850 Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Includes converter and flex-extension for Samtec34 target connector. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

Trace for RISC-V via PT-Serial 4GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 4 Gigabyte trace memory for RISC-V Tested for SiFive Nexus IP. Tested for Tessent Embedded Analytics (aka. UltraSoC) encoder IP Other IP on request. Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Requires accessory kit LA-3521 or LA-3522. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

PowerTrace Serial 4 GigaByte QorIQ PowerPC

Serial Trace Port Controller with 4 Giga Byte Trace Memory for QorIQ PowerPC converters for Samtec22 or Samtec46 have to be ordered separately if required requires PowerDebug II Ethernet or PowerDebug PRO Host requirements: USB 3.0 or 1000 MBit Ethernet interface, 4.0 GigaByte RAM voltage range 0.15V to 1.25V

Trace for MPC57xx/SPC5 via PTS 4GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 4 Gigabyte trace memory for MPC57xx/SPC5xx Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Includes converter for Samtec40 target connector. For Samtec34 target connector add LA-3871: Converter Samtec40 HSTP+AUTO26+JTAG14 to Samtec34 including Samtec 34-pin flex extension cable For Samtec22 target connector add LA-3872: Converter Samtec40 HSTP+AUTO26+JTAG14 to Samtec22 including Samtec 22-pin flex extension cable Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

20 商品が見つかりました
Trace for ARC® via PT-Serial 4GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 4 Gigabyte trace memory for ARC Real-Time Trace (ARC RTT) via CoreSight. Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Optional Mixed-Signal Probe with LA-2500. Requires accessory kit LA-3521 or LA-3522. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

More details
Trace for ARC® via PT-Serial 8GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 8 Gigabyte trace memory for ARC Real-Time Trace (ARC RTT) via CoreSight. Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Optional Mixed-Signal Probe with LA-2500. Requires accessory kit LA-3521 or LA-3522. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for Arm-ETM via PT-Serial 4GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 4 Gigabyte trace memory for Arm-ETM via HSSTP. Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Requires accessory kit LA-3521 or LA-3522. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for Arm-ETM via PT-Serial 8GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 8 Gigabyte trace memory for Arm-ETM via HSSTP. Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Requires accessory kit LA-3521 or LA-3522. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for C6000 via PT-Serial 4GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 4 Gigabyte trace memory for C6000 Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Optional Mixed-Signal Probe with LA-2500. Requires accessory kit LA-3521 or LA-3522. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for C6000 via PT-Serial 8GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 8 Gigabyte trace memory for C6000 Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Optional Mixed-Signal Probe with LA-2500. Requires accessory kit LA-3521 or LA-3522. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for CEVA-X via PT-Serial 4GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 4 Gigabyte trace memory for CEVA-X ETM Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Optional Mixed-Signal Probe with LA-2500. Requires accessory kit LA-3521 or LA-3522. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for CEVA-X via PT-Serial 8GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 8 Gigabyte trace memory for CEVA-X ETM Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Optional Mixed-Signal Probe with LA-2500. Requires accessory kit LA-3521 or LA-3522. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for MPC57xx/SPC5 via PTS 4GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 4 Gigabyte trace memory for MPC57xx/SPC5xx Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Includes converter for Samtec40 target connector. For Samtec34 target connector add LA-3871: Converter Samtec40 HSTP+AUTO26+JTAG14 to Samtec34 including Samtec 34-pin flex extension cable For Samtec22 target connector add LA-3872: Converter Samtec40 HSTP+AUTO26+JTAG14 to Samtec22 including Samtec 22-pin flex extension cable Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for MPC57xx/SPC5 via PTS 8GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 8 Gigabyte trace memory for MPC57xx/SPC5xx Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. For Samtec34 target connector add LA-3871: Converter Samtec40 HSTP+AUTO26+JTAG14 to Samtec34 including Samtec 34-pin flex extension cable For Samtec22 target connector add LA-3872: Converter Samtec40 HSTP+AUTO26+JTAG14 to Samtec22 including Samtec 22-pin flex extension cable Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for QorIQ PowerPC via PTS 4GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 4 Gigabyte trace memory for QorIQ PowerPC Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Includes flex exstension for Samtec40 target connector. For Samtec70 target connector add LA-3830. For Samtec46 target connector add LA-3831. For Samtec22 target connector add LA-3832. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for QorIQ PowerPC via PTS 8GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 8 Gigabyte trace memory for QorIQ PowerPC Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Includes flex exstension for Samtec40 target connector. For Samtec70 target connector add LA-3830. For Samtec46 target connector add LA-3831. For Samtec22 target connector add LA-3832. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for RH850 via PT-Serial 4GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 4 Gigabyte trace memory for RH850 Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Includes converter and flex-extension for Samtec34 target connector. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for RH850 via PT-Serial 8GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 8 Gigabyte trace memory for RH850 Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Includes converter and flex-extension for Samtec34 target connector. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for RISC-V via PT-Serial 4GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 4 Gigabyte trace memory for RISC-V Tested for SiFive Nexus IP. Tested for Tessent Embedded Analytics (aka. UltraSoC) encoder IP Other IP on request. Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Requires accessory kit LA-3521 or LA-3522. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for RISC-V via PT-Serial 8GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 8 Gigabyte trace memory for RISC-V Tested for SiFive Nexus IP. Tested for Tessent Embedded Analytics (aka. UltraSoC) encoder IP Other IP on request. Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Requires accessory kit LA-3521 or LA-3522. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for TriCore™ via PT-Serial 4GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 4 Gigabyte trace memory for TriCore AGBT/SGBT. Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. REQUIRES ACCESSORY KIT: LA-3556 for ERF8-22/HSTCE connector or LA-3596 for USB-C/HSTCU connector or LA-3590 for OCuLink connector. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for TriCore™ via PT-Serial 8GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 8 Gigabyte trace memory for TriCore AGBT/SGBT. Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. REQUIRES ACCESSORY KIT: LA-3556 for ERF8-22/HSTCE connector or LA-3596 for USB-C/HSTCU connector or LA-3590 for OCuLink connector. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for Xtensa® via PT-Serial 4GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 4 Gigabyte trace memory for CoreSight Real-Time Trace for Xtensa Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Optional Mixed-Signal Probe with LA-2500. Requires accessory kit LA-3521 or LA-3522. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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Trace for Xtensa® via PT-Serial 8GB (PACK)

Trace recorder for serial high-speed ports with 8 Gigabyte trace memory for CoreSight Real-Time Trace for Xtensa Records up to 8 lanes with 12.5 Gbit/s per lane (more with opt. Prepro.) Voltage range: 0.15 to 1.25 differential voltage. Optional Mixed-Signal Probe with LA-2500. Requires accessory kit LA-3521 or LA-3522. Requires PowerDebug X50, PowerDebug PRO, or PowerDebug II. Requires PC with USB 3 or Gigabit Ethernet, 4 GB RAM min, and 64-bit OS.

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ターゲットのトレースポートをPowerTrace Serial に接続するために、弊社では様々なアクセサリーを提供しています。使用ケースに応じて、適切なフレックスエクステンションが必要な場合もあれば、アダプターが必要な場合もあります。最高速度グレードには、最高のシグナルインテグリティのためにトレースポートに密接に接続するプリプロセッサを提供します。


Accessories PTSerial ARM-ETM 1-6 Lanes (PACK)

Flex cable and converter to debug and trace Arm chips, which emit an ETM trace via up to 6 HSSTP lanes.

Accessories PTSerial ARM-ETM 7-8 Lanes (PACK)

Flex cable and converter to trace Arm chips, which emit an ETM trace via up to 8 HSSTP lanes. For chips with 6 or less HSSTP lanes we recommend to use LA-3521 instead.



AGBT Trace Adapter for PowerTrace Serial

Adapter for PowerTrace Serial to support Tricore AGBT trace ports with up to 4 lanes.

RH850-34pin Debug&Trace Adapter for PT Serial

Adapter for PowerTrace Serial to support RH850 trace ports with up to 4 lanes via a 34-pin target connector. Requires PowerTrace Serial (LA-3303, LA-3323, or LA-3560).

RH850-40pin Trace Adapter for PT Serial

Adapter for PowerTrace Serial to support RH850 trace ports with up to 4 lanes via a 40-pin target connector. Requires PowerTrace Serial (LA-3303, LA-3323, or LA-3560).

OCuLink Trace Adapter for PowerTrace Serial

Adapter for PowerTrace Serial SERIAL PORT 1 (80-pin) to OCuLink-connector for trace ports up to 4 lanes, supports PCIe-Gen3 x4 and HSSTP/Aurora. Includes OCuLink Cable (500mm).

HSTCU Trace Adapter for PowerTrace Serial

Adapter for PowerTrace Serial SERIAL PORT 1 (80-pin) to support Tricore AURIX AGBT trace via HSTCU

On request, please contact Lauterbach
PTSERIAL-PCIe-Gen3 x4 Slot-Card-Adapter

Active slot card adapter for up to 4-lanes PCIe. Converts standard PCIe slot card format to 80pin ERF8 for PowerTrace Serial. Pinout conform to PCI-Express x4 Connector Pin-Out. Requires the following items: * LA-1239 Flex Ext. for SAMTEC 80 pin ERM8-ERM8 500mm A * LA-3550X License for PCI Express * PowerTrace Serial with suitable trace deocder license * PowerDebug X50, PRO or II * Suitable Debug Cable with suitable debug license

PTSERIAL-PCIe-Gen3 x8 Slot-Card-Adapter

Active slot card adapter for up to 8-lanes PCIe. Converts standard PCIe slot card format to 80pin ERF8 for PowerTrace Serial. Pinout conform to PCI-Express x8 Connector Pin-Out. Requires the following items: * LA-1239 Flex Ext. for SAMTEC 80 pin ERM8-ERM8 500mm A * LA-3550X License for PCI Express * PowerTrace Serial with suitable trace deocder license * PowerDebug X50, PRO or II * Suitable Debug Cable with suitable debug license

PTSERIAL-PCIe-Gen3 x1 Slot-Card-Adapter

Active slot card adapter for 1-lane PCIe. Converts standard PCIe slot card format to 80pin ERF8 for PowerTrace Serial. Pinout conform to PCI-Express x1 Connector Pin-Out. Requires the following items: * LA-1239 Flex Ext. for SAMTEC 80 pin ERM8-ERM8 500mm A * LA-3550X License for PCI Express * PowerTrace Serial with suitable trace deocder license * PowerDebug X50, PRO or II * Suitable Debug Cable with suitable debug license

PTSERIAL-MiniPCIe-Gen3 x1 Slot-Card-Adapter

Passive slot card adapter or 1-lane PCIe. Converts standard Mini-PCIe slot card format to 80pin ERF8 for PowerTrace Serial. Conforms to PCI Express® Mini Card Electromechanical Specification. Requires the following items: * LA-1239 Flex Ext. for SAMTEC 80 pin ERM8-ERM8 500mm A * LA-3550X License for PCI Express * PowerTrace Serial with suitable trace deocder license * PowerDebug X50, PRO or II * Suitable Debug Cable with suitable debug license



Aurora 2 Preprocessor for PowerTrace Serial

Preprocessor to extend the recording speed of a PowerTrace Serial for serial lanes with Aurora/HSSTP protocol. Support up to 4 lanes with up to 22.5Gbit/s each. Requires PowerTrace Serial (1 or 2) and TRACE32 software DVD 2022/09 or newer.

PCIe Gen 4 Preprocessor for PowerTrace Serial

Preprocessor for PowerTrace Serial (1 or 2) to record trace from up to four lanes of PCIe Gen 4. (Without this preprocessor PowerTrace Serial supports only PCI Gen 2 and Gen 3.) Requires the licenses LA-3550X (License for PCI Express) programmed to your PowerTrace Serial in addition to a suitable trace decoder license. You can choose between two kinds of target connection: Connection 1: OCuLink SFF-8612 connector (via included OCuLink cable). Preprocessor is used inside the included housing. Connection 2: PCI-Express x4 Connector. Preprocessor is used as a slotcard wihout the housing. Voltage levels of sideband signals must have 3.3V. Support for other voltage levels on request.


設定例PowerTrace Serial


Arm CoreSight™ によるヘテロジニアス・マルチコア・トレース

この構成は通常、CoreSight™ HSSTPトレースポートを所有するArm コアテックス コアを含むSoCに使用されます。これは、他の様々なCoreSight™互換CPUおよびDSPコアと混在した、あらゆる種類のArm コアの同時トレースを可能にします。


PCIe経由のPowerPC QorIQトレース




TriCore AURIX チップ用の Aurora Gigabit Trace(AGBT)は、トレースツールによって提供される追加クロック基準を必要とします。したがって、この構成では、AGBT 仕様に適合する専用アダプタを使用します。


Extreme FastArm HSSTP ポート経由のトレース

ほとんどのArm SoCでは、トレースポートはデフォルトでPowerTrace Serial 、シリアルあたり12.5 Gbit/sを超えない。しかし、さらに高速な優れたSoCをお持ちの場合、このコンフィギュレーションを使用すると、レーンあたり22.5 Gbit/sまで速度制限を破ることができます。