IDC20A Debug Probe

IDC20Aデバッグプローブは、もともとArm® CoreSight™デバッグインフラを備えたSoCをデバッグするために設計されました。Arm アーキテクチャの大成功により、このデバッグコンセプトは、組み込み市場におけるマルチコアシステムのデファクトデバッグ標準となりました。
今日、IDC20Aデバッグプローブは、CoreSight™の有無にかかわらず、SoCをデバッグするための さまざまなアーキテクチャとプロトコルをサポートしており、ローターバッハは最も成功しているデバッグプローブです。
IDC20Aデバッグプローブは、最大限の柔軟性を持つように設計されています。広い入力電圧範囲と優れたシグナルインテグリティを備えた、組み込み市場全体で最も一般的なピン配置を 特長とし、一般的な産業用アプリケーションから高速モバイルデバイス設計まで、多くのターゲットに最適です。
0.4Vまでの 低I/O電圧を持つ高速ターゲットや、5VまでのI/O電圧を持つ標準的な産業用アプリケーションをサポートします。
cJTAG(コンパクトJTAG)(IEEE 1149.7)
SWD(Serial Wire Debug)は、Arm®によって定義された2ピンのデバッグインターフェイスで、CoreSight™デバッグインフラストラクチャに最高のパフォーマンスでアクセスできるように最適化されています。シリアルワイヤ出力(SWO)は、SWDのオプションの拡張ピンです。プロセッサにSWOピンがある場合、IDC20Aデバッグプローブは、コードインスツルメンテーションとデータアクセス*の両方からトレースデータを受信できます。
*PowerDebug E40/PowerDebug Pro およびそれ以降のベースモジュールに対応。
Renesas Single-Wire UART
RL78プロセッサは、RESETピンとTOOL0ピンを使用するUARTのような1ライン デバッグインターフェースを介してデバッグされますが、旧型の78K0Rプロセッサは追加の信号TOOL1を使用します。
Microchip が設計した Unified Program and Debug Interface (UPDI) は、チップのリセットピンでもある 1 つのピンを通して tinyAVR® と megaAVR® デバイスをデバッグおよびプログラムするための独自のプロトコルです。これらのデバイスはシリアル ペリフェラル インターフェース (SPI) 経由でもプログラムできます。
Andes Serial Debug Port
Supports Armv8 and Armv9 based Cortex-A, Cortex-R, Cortex-X and Neoverse 32/64-bit cores GTM, SPT, IPU and Multicore debugging included IDC20A debug cable supports 5-pin standard JTAG, cJTAG and Serial Wire Debug Port, (0.4V - 5V) Includes software for Windows, Linux and macOS cJTAG and SWD require PowerDebug Interface USB 2.0/USB 3.0, PowerDebug Ethernet, PowerTrace, PowerDebug II PowerDebug PRO, PowerDebug E40 or PowerDebug X50
Supports Armv7-A/R based Cortex-A and Cortex-R 32-bit cores GTM and IPU debugging included IDC20A debug cable supports 5-pin standard JTAG, cJTAG and Serial Wire Debug Port, (0.4V - 5V) Includes software for Windows, Linux and macOS cJTAG and SWD require PowerDebug Interface USB 2.0/USB 3.0, PowerDebug Ethernet, PowerTrace, PowerDebug II PowerDebug PRO, PowerDebug E40 or PowerDebug X50
Supports Arm Cortex-M cores and SecurCore SC000/SC300 trace support ETM Cortex-M via ETB included GTM and IPU debugging included IDC20A debug cable supports 5-pin standard JTAG, cJTAG and Serial Wire Debug Port, (0.4V - 5V) Includes software for Windows, Linux and macOS cJTAG and SWD require PowerDebug Interface USB 2.0/USB 3.0, PowerDebug Ethernet, PowerTrace, PowerDebug II PowerDebug PRO, PowerDebug E40 or PowerDebug X50
IDC20A debug cable for 32-bit RISC-V cores (RV32) applicable with a PowerDebug base module supporting JTAG, cJTAG and Serial Wire Debug Port (0.4 - 5.0V). Includes trace license for onchip-trace of RV32 cores. (Does not enable the decoding of raw-trace imported via a file.) Includes TRACE32 software for Windows, Linux and macOS on DVD or via download. Requires TRACE32 software R.2020.09 or newer. Requires a PowerDebug base module. A range of converters are available to adapt to different target connectors (including MIPI pinouts).
IDC20A debug cable for 64-bit RISC-V cores (RV64) applicable with a PowerDebug base module supporting JTAG, cJTAG and Serial Wire Debug Port (0.4 - 5.0V). Includes license for multicore debugging. Includes TRACE32 software for Windows, Linux and macOS on DVD or via download. Requires TRACE32 software R.2020.09 or newer. Requires a PowerDebug base module. A range of converters are available to adapt to different target connectors (including MIPI pinouts).
Supports Xtensa Cores from Tensilica via an ARM JTAG interface Core trace decoding for TRAX (Trace RAM within core logic) included IDC20A debug cable, which supports 5-pin standard JTAG, cJTAG (IEEE 1149.7) and serial Wire Debug (SWD), (0.4V - 5V) Includes software for Windows, Linux and macOS Requires PowerDebug module Requires LA-3763 if 14 pin JTAG (Xtensa) connector is used
Supports ARC EM/HS/EV/VPX, ARC 600/700, ARCtangent-A4/A5 Uses IDC20A debug cable, which supports 5-pin standard JTAG, cJTAG (IEEE 1149.7) and Serial Wire Debug (SWD), (0.4V - 5V) Includes TRACE32 software for Windows, Linux and macOS on DVD or via download. Requires a PowerDebug base module. For ARC-V you require a RISC-V probe instead (LA-3200 or LA-3201).
IDC20A debug cable for Hexagon DSPs and NPUs from Qualcomm applicable with a PowerDebug base module supporting JTAG, cJTAG (IEEE 1149.7) and Serial Wire Debug Port (SWD). Voltage range 0.4V to 5.0V. Includes license for multicore debugging and trace decoding. Includes TRACE32 software for Windows, Linux and macOS on DVD or via download. Requires a PowerDebug base module.
Debug probe for C28x and C29x microcontrollers. Support for the Control Law Accelerator (CLA) is included. Support for the C2000 onchip trace "PC Trace" is included. ("PC Trace" supports up to 128 program branches.) Uses IDC20A debug cable, which supports 5-pin standard JTAG, cJTAG (IEEE 1149.7) and Serial Wire Debug (SWD), (0.4V - 5V) Includes TRACE32 software for Windows, Linux and macOS on DVD or via download. Requires PowerDebug base module. Requires LA-7748 if 14 pin TI target adapter is used.
Supports C6xxx. Uses IDC20A debug cable, which supports 5-pin standard JTAG, cJTAG (IEEE 1149.7) and Serial Wire Debug (SWD), (0.4V - 5V) Includes software for Windows, Linux and macOS. Requires PowerDebug base module. Requires LA-7748 if 14 pin TI target adapter is used.
Supports C7000. Uses IDC20A debug cable, which supports 5-pin standard JTAG, cJTAG (IEEE 1149.7) and Serial Wire Debug (SWD), (0.4V - 5V) Includes software for Windows, Linux and macOS. Requires PowerDebug base module. Requires LA-7748 if 14 pin TI target adapter is used.
Converter to connect an IDC20A debug cable to a target with MIPI34, MIPI20D, or MIPI10 connector. For connecting an IDC20A debug cable on a PowerTrace Serial use the converter LA-2770 instead. (LA-2770 is for a MIPI34 connector with pin 1 on the right sight, while LA-3770 expects pin 1 on the left side at the target.) To connect to a target with MIPI20T connector you must open J101 and J102 on this converter (as described in app_arm_target_interface.pdf) to avoid driver conflicts.
Converter to connect Preprocessor AutoFocus II Mictor38 to MIPI60 (QSH) connector ARM/Cortex: Converter to connect Mictor38 TRACE A and TRACE B (32-bit ETMv3/PTM) and an IDC20A Debug Cable to a MIPI60 connector on the target Intel x86/x64: Converter to connect Mictor38 TRACE A to to a MIPI60 connector on the target Former name: Conv. Prepro.AF II Mictor, ARM20 to MIPI60
Converter to connect an IDC20A Debug Cable to a TI-14 connector which is used on many targets with processors from Texas Instruments Former name: Converter ARM-20 to TI-14
Converter to connect the IDC20A Debug Cable to a Mictor connector on the target providing both debug and trace signals. This is needed if you want to connect the Debug Cable without a Preprocessor and if there is only a Mictor on the target. Former name: ARM Converter ARM-20 to Mictor-38
Converter to connect a Debug Cable to a TI-14 or TI-20-Compact connector which is used on many targets with processors from Texas Instruments Former name: Converter ARM-20 to TI-14 or TI-20-Compact
Converter to connect an IDC20A Debug Cable to a 14-pin JTAG connector on Xilinx target boards.
Converter from IDC20A and HSSTP to R-Car H3 Starter Kit from Renesas Former name: Conv. ARM-20/Samtec40 HSSTP to RCAR-H3-SKIT
Converter to connect an AutoFocus II Preprocessor with MICTOR-38 and an IDC20A Debug Cable to MIPI-10/-20/-34. Enables the AutoFocus II Preprocessor to receive trace data from the 4-bit wide trace port of a MIPI-34 target connector. The converter is configured for MIPI-34 via 0 Ohm resistors. By soldering the resistors differently MIPI-20T can be supported as well. You can get the same converter pre-configured for MIPI-20T by ordering LA-3809 Converter Mictor-38/IDC20A to MIPI-20T.
Converter from Mictor38 of the ETM trace port plus IDC20A to Mictor38 of RTP port of TI chips Former name: Conv. Mictor38/ETM+JTAG20 to Mictor38/RTP
Converter to connect an IDC20A debug cable to the 34 pin DEBUG connector on a PowerTrace Serial. MIPI-34 connector does not have key pin. For connecting an IDC20A debug cable to an AutoFocus-II-MIPI preprocessor (LA-3160) or an AURORA 2 preprocessor (LA-3945) use the converter LA-3770 instead. (LA-2770 is for a MIPI34 connector with pin 1 on the right sight, while LA-3770 expects pin 1 on the left side at the target.)
Converter to connect an IDC20A debug cable or a CombiProbe to a MICTOR38 connector on the target. This is useful, if you want to debug without a Preprocessor and there is only a Mictor connector on the target. The trace signals of the CombiProbe are connected to the lowest four trace signals of the Mictor (ETMv3 pinout, continuous mode). Please note that a high trace bandwidth, as can be output via a Mictor connector, may require a PowerTrace.
Converter to connect an IDC20A Debug Cable to a MIPS-14 connector on the target Former name: Converter ARM-20 to MIPS-14
Converter to connect an AutoFocus II Preprocessor with MICTOR-38 and an IDC20A Debug Cable to MIPI-10/-20T/-34. Enables the AutoFocus II Preprocessor to receive trace data from the 4-bit wide trace port of a MIPI-20T target connector. The converter is configured for MIPI-20T via 0 Ohm resistors. By soldering the resistors differently MIPI-34 can be supported as well. You can get the same converter pre-configured for MIPI-34 by ordering LA-3842 Converter Mictor-38/IDC20A to MIPI-34.